
How to set up elv ui
How to set up elv ui

how to set up elv ui

If you’re happy with your current base UI and just want my handy rogue related weakauras, here you go. Here’s the video breakdown of my new rogue weakauras: Rogue Weakauras If you saw my previous UI guide here, a lot of the parts are the same, but I create this version to be more streamlined and most importantly easier to install/setup version of my previous UI. I just wanted a clean, simple, non crowded UI for my rogue, that gives me all the information I need and none of the information I don’t need. Help support Classic roguecraft: Want more guides? I add an extra rogue video guide for my twitch subscribers once per week! Subscribe at /snomie, help support all of my free content and you’ll get yourself extra rogue guides every week in our bonus discord sub channel <3

How to set up elv ui